
Protect Youth Sports partners with organizations that share our view that the best way to improve the safety, security and protection of our children and youth in our communities is through safe youth sports programs. Our partners are essential to addressing the issue...

Preventative Measures

No organization wants to face the daunting task of denying a candidate’s request to volunteer or work. Often there can be a large amount of liability in the action of declining a candidate. The only way to ensure that your organization is legitimately handling these...

Get Up To Date

Most of the time, staff members and volunteers inside of your organization are juggling multiple hats. The representative handling the background screening process for your organization has probably already experienced the tedious task of collecting consent forms from...

Don’t Drop The Ball

Regardless of the type of organization, often things get overlooked and forgotten in times of transition. You have likely experienced a change in position and know that people forget to tell you all the details. Protect Youth Sports has also seen that for our clients’...