Volunteer Background Screening Guidelines

Volunteer screening including background checks is a critical part of an effective abuse and molestation risk management plan. The following guidelines are typical for a volunteer background check program. Verify that you meet all the guidelines with your process, and learn how Protect Youth Sports’ solution can help you manage it all online, paperlessly.

A background check program following these guidelines should help to avoid any issues, and should any arise, establish a legal defense by showing that the league exercised due dilligence. If you choose to manage the entire process or part of it with Protect Youth Sports’ solution, you will save time and money.


1. Have a written screening policy

2. Provide job descriptions for every position.

3. Obtain completed application forms for all positions.

4. Obtain a signed and dated consent form.

5. Review references and employer information.

6. Interview the applicant.

7. Conduct a criminal background check.

8. Review procedures and provide continuous oversight of volunteers.

9. Provide training for all volunteers and hold them accountable.


It should be included in any organization’s policies and procedures, and communicated to everyone.

Doing so creates boundaries for volunteers, who whould be required to read, sign and date the written descriptions.

Required information should include name, address, references and employers. Insist that every potential volunteer complete a form, regardless of how desparate the organization is for “warm bodies.”

This informs volunteers of investigations into their backgrounds and protects an organization against potential invasion-of-privacy claims by having volunteers authorize the checks.

This helps determine whether the volunteer possesses the basic necessities for given position.

Develop a standard routine to save time and allow for consistency. Don’t be afraid to ask tough questions.

If resources are scarce, ask for coaches to help pay for background checks.

Evaluate screeening results and determine what makes a particular volunteer undesirable. Document decisions, and periodically evaulate a volunteer’s performance.

Make your volunteers complete the necessary training for the position and hold them accountable. For positions that involve interaction with youth they should receive Child Safety Training.

Paperless Solution

Publish your policies and obtain agreements from your volunteers online.

Publish your own job descriptionand obtain agreement from your volunteers online.

Collect the application forms and store them securely online.

Collect the authorizations and store them securely online.

Collect references and keep notes of your discusssions oniline.

Ask interview and/or screening questions online.

Built-in background checks. Securely collect credit card information from volunteers online.

Background reports are reviewed and scored for you, plus get re-screen reminders.

Volunteers take your online child saftely training, quiz, and receie certificates of training.